Friday, April 22, 2005

Internet quizzes and the Real Me

In a week of unprecedented non-productivity, I have found myself - thanks to the Internet and its quizzes.

It's actually kind of amazing the emotional toll that these scientific wonders can have on you. Sometimes it really strokes my ego, and a couple times, I had to walk away from anger.

What did I learn about myself?
Language was the most interesting. I speak:
65% General American English
10% Dixie (I think that's because I say buggy and not cart)
10% Midwest
10% Yankee
and 5% Upper Midwest.

I learned that my intelligence is focussed in the linguistics field - good choice of career, I guess.

My inner European is French - no surprises there. Good food, good wine, good friends, good times, oh yeah, and good whine too.

I'm 15% redneck - my car is currently parked in the yard, and I think Red Lobster is a pretty darn fancy restaurant.

I'm 18% sketchy - I bet I'm like 80% shady, though.

If I ever start a punk band, I'm going to call it "The Confused Squatty Potty" - for real.

Things I was surprised to learn about myself:
I am mostly untraveled in Western and Southern Europe, though I lived in Southwest Europe for 7 months.
I have never been to Eastern Europe (despite my two summers in the Balkans), Africa (wrong again), or the South or Northeast of the United States (even though Waverly is all but in the South).
I belong in the year 1969 - Are my loose sexual ethics that obvious?
I'm a liberal Republican, meaning I like the conservative financial issues, but I support abortion and gay rights (au contraire)
I'm only somewhat honest...hmmm...that one's probably pretty accurate

I had one emotional outburst during my intense examinations.
It was when I learned that my element is air. I was touched.
Just kidding - not so much.
It was actually a question from a quiz, "What mood are you in?" that made me really mad. Here it is:

"Which sentence describes you?"
I tend to procrastinate.
I tend to get things done on time.

Clearly this offended me deeply. As I have expressed in previous posts, true procrastinators are not late in finishing!!! Timely completion of projects and procrastination are not mutually exclusive! There was no "both" option to that question, so I stormed out of my seat, drank a root beer, and turned off the computer. I was too angry at that quiz to finish, and now I'll never know what kind of mood I was in. Dirty quiz.

In short, I guess I've discovered myself, thank you Internet.
I guess I can follow the Southern Baptist Convention's plan for my life now and marry as soon as possible, so my wife will still have 30 good years of ovulation left to start an impressively-sized farm of people who will continue to reproduce in rabbit-like fashion. Eh, maybe that's another post. Now that I've discovered myself, I'll be able to write that post.
But for now I'm going to bed with "Discover Self" checked off my list of things to do today.


Blogger John said...

I know exactly what it means! You have some top notch writing there Andy.

12:42 AM  

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